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You're Invited to The 8th Greater Van Asian Heritage Celebration 2022

Asian Heritage Month is always an opportunity for us to learn more about Asian Cultural Heritage and appreciate it. The theme for Asian Heritage Month 2022 is “Continuing a legacy of greatness”.

Poster: Muxin and Chinese Culture - The 8th Greater Van Asian Heritage Celebration 2022

Here we sincere invite you to join us for:

Muxin and Chinese Culture

- The 8th Greater Van Asian Heritage Celebration 2022

Time: Saturday, May 28, 2022 @2-3:30pm (Vancouver time)

Zoom meeting ID: 863 0048 9641

Zoom Meeting Password: 666

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jiawei Zhang

Moderator: Dongdong Huang

Organizers: WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

This event is mainly conducted in Chinese with very brief English.


Mu Xin (木心),the pen name of Sun Pu, courtesy name Yangzhong, a Chinese painter, poet and writer. His works draw on both Chinese and Western traditions. The pen name Mu Xin is derived from Buddhist thoughts, meaning an educator with true heart. Mu Xin never married. According to his words: "I have devoted my life to art".

The paintings of Mu Xin are primarily landscape paintings. Mu Xin creatively incorporated the techniques of traditional Chinese paintings and Western paintings.

Mu Xin has also made great achievements in literature. Innovatively combining fiction, prose, and philosophical reflections, Mu Xin's writing is both reminiscent of traditional Chinese culture and western deconstructionism philosophy. His most famous literary works includes fiction An Empty Room, Poem Reminiscence of the Past, and Literary Memoirs, which is the complied notes of his world literature lectures.

Slower Days in the Past

- By Muxin

Slower Days in the Past

Remember young days in the past.

People were sincere and honest.

They honored what they said.

Early morning in the railway station.

Long, dark and empty was the street.

The soybean milk diner was steaming with heat.

Days were slower in the past.

Carriage, horse, and mail did not reach fast.

You need your lifetime to just love the person who is right.

The lock was fine in the past.

The key was exquisite and fit.

You lock and he will get it.


Professor Jiawei Zhang

Professor Jiawei Zhang, the founder of the Niche Behavior Research Fund, has served as a visiting scholar at Simon Fraser University, Sofia University, Cambridge University, and the University of Toronto. His research direction is strategic planning, organizational strategy management, business model research, and logistics supply chain management. He is currently mainly engaged in the study of business models in the field of Sino-Canada, Sino-US economic fields and niche behavior.

Professor Zhang started the "Ten Years and Ten Countries" project in 2017. He plans to spend ten years from September to December each year to go to the most representative countries in the world for his research of ten cities and ten universities. For the past 5 trips, each trip in 100 days he wrote 100 essays, with an average of 250,000 words, and recorded his discovering and thoughts. So far, he has traveled to Silicon Valley in the United States, Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Toronto in Canada, Saskatchewan in Canada, and Chengdu in China. For five consecutive years, upon returning he has been doing the New Year's speech in Vancouver to share his thoughts and insights, which is known as the Spring Festival Gala of Canadian thought circles.

Professor Zhang’s many papers have been published in core journals at home and abroad, and his translation of "Negotiate Behavior" and his books Rise of Niche, Ugly Duckling Management, Crowdfunding, Silicon Valley Vision-Great Changes in the Future, and other books are popular economic books worldwide, widely acclaimed, and are known as the founders of China's niche theory.


WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) is a non-profit organization and a volunteer-based group. Over the past 10 years it has been providing immigrant and refugee settlement services including language and computer training, and intercultural services including planning, organizing and hosting hundreds and thousands cross-cultural events, workshops, seminars, conferences, book launches, Discover World Culture series and more to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, to build happier families, healthier communities and to foster intercultural harmony. WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) est une organisation à but non lucratif et un groupe de bénévoles. Au cours des 10 dernières années, il a fourni des services d'établissement des immigrants et des réfugiés, y compris une formation linguistique et informatique, et des services interculturels, notamment la planification, l'organisation et l'accueil de centaines et de milliers d'événements interculturels, d'ateliers, de séminaires, de conférences, de lancements de livres, de la série Discover World Culture. et plus encore pour sensibiliser, comprendre et apprécier le multiculturalisme, pour bâtir des familles plus heureuses, des communautés plus saines et pour favoriser l'harmonie interculturelle. 文思移民与多元文化服务协会(WSIMS)作为非营利组织和志愿者组织,始终以 “怀大爱、做小事” 为宗旨,秉承 “点燃激情、放飞梦想、感悟人生、分享美丽” 的理念,积极推动民族文化的传承、多元文化的融合及创新,激励人们实现各自的人生梦想。十多年来,一直提供力所能及的移民安顿服务(包括但不限于英语培训、IT培训、翻译服务)、长者服务、书籍出版,以及多元文化服务,包括策划、组织和举办千百次的跨文化讲座、研讨会、庆祝会、新书发布会,以及探索世界文化系列活动等,进一步提高社区对多元文化的认知、理解和欣赏,帮助建立更幸福的家庭、更健康的社区以及进一步促进多元文化的和谐。 Contact Us: English: French: Chinese: More information: TikTok: @wssharing


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