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Submission for the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival; Stay Connected Workshops Completed


Look forward to having your short story (in Video or Word format, no more than 2 minutes) submission by October 17 for the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival.

Through “Connect the Dots - The 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021”, we are trying to connect the selected original stories with creative ideas, to memorize our real battles, to celebrate our victories, and share our unforgettable 2021.

Moving forward, together, we’re stepping up to build a better, stronger and more resilient world. Connect the dots into a line, line to a surface, surface to a substance, substance to a quantity, and quantity to a state…Touched? Lost? Hoped? Changed? Grew?...Are you willing to share one of your short stories? We will select the most inspiring stories to share with more people. If interested, submit your 1-2 minutes story in Word or Video formats:

Submission deadline: Sunday, October 17, 2021 @11:59pm

Festival date: Friday, October 22, 2021 @7-9pm (online video)

This event is free to public, cross-cultural learning and understanding groups and individuals, elders and youth, families and kids, military and veterans, immigrants and refugees, Indigenous, people with disabilities, poets and writers, artists and entrepreneurs, or anyone who is passionate about sharing one of your stories are all welcome.

Please note: WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society reserves the right to use the submitted creative writings/videos for publication purpose; and reserves the right to edit the works to match the theme. The copyrights of the original creative works are still belonging to the authors, writers, video makers and translators if applicable.

It’s a good opportunity to:

o Connect people with a wide range of interests, backgrounds and experiences;

o Increase Sense of belonging and responsibility to our communities;

o Promote multiculturalism, better understanding for groups and individuals with variation in race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, language, religion, geographical area and more;

o Share knowledge and develop grassroots creativity and leadership skills;

o Celebrate diversity, the various cultures, traditions, heritages, and customs of Canada and the world;

o Appreciate the frontline workers, healthy professionals, community service contributors and volunteers are delegated in community capacity building.

For more information, please check:


With the support from Vancouver Foundation, Richmond Cares Richmond Gives, on August 7, 2021 WS Writers successfully hosted the Stay Connected Social Media Workshops:

Stay Connected Zoom Workshop (in English) by Dr. Maryam Aliabadi;

Stay Connected TikTok Workshop (in English and Chinese) by Sophia Zhang.

Video for Stay Connected Social Media Workshops:

10 recipients for this event for the 10 bottles of local berry wine are :

Anu S

Celia L



Del G

Lao L

Maryam A

Ming H

Salina L

Thomas Z

Please contact us for picking up or delivering a bottle of local berry wine:

If you didn't won the lucky draw this time, we're having more coming up.


By attending WSIMS events, you agree:

Visual Record Release & Liability Waiver

I hereby give my consent to WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and its employees to photograph (still and/or moving) while I am working, volunteering or participating in any of their events (in-person or virtual). I understand my name and photograph (still and/or moving) can be used for educational and public relations purposes, at the discretion of WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and and its employees and/or sponsors.

This consent includes, but is not limited to:

- Permission to interview, film, photograph, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice;

- Permission to use my name;

- Permission to use quotes from the above listed media; and

- I also understand that physical movement or interactive activities may take place during virtual events. I understand to participate based on my own physical ability. I fully release WSIMS and its employees from all liability in connection with my participation.

WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) is a non-profit organization and a volunteer-based group. Over the past 10 years it has been providing immigrant and refugee settlement services including language and computer training, and intercultural services including planning, organizing and hosting hundreds and thousands cross-cultural events, workshops, seminars, conferences, book launches, Discover World Culture series and more to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, to build happier families, healthier communities and to foster intercultural harmony. WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) est une organisation à but non lucratif et un groupe de bénévoles. Au cours des 10 dernières années, il a fourni des services d'établissement des immigrants et des réfugiés, y compris une formation linguistique et informatique, et des services interculturels, notamment la planification, l'organisation et l'accueil de centaines et de milliers d'événements interculturels, d'ateliers, de séminaires, de conférences, de lancements de livres, de la série Discover World Culture. et plus encore pour sensibiliser, comprendre et apprécier le multiculturalisme, pour bâtir des familles plus heureuses, des communautés plus saines et pour favoriser l'harmonie interculturelle.

文思移民与多元文化服务协会(WSIMS)作为非营利组织和志愿者组织,始终以 “怀大爱、做小事” 为宗旨,秉承 “点燃激情、放飞梦想、感悟人生、分享美丽” 的理念,积极推动民族文化的传承、多元文化的融合及创新,激励人们实现各自的人生梦想。十多年来,一直提供力所能及的移民安顿服务(包括但不限于英语培训、IT培训、翻译服务)、长者服务、书籍出版,以及多元文化服务,包括策划、组织和举办千百次的跨文化讲座、研讨会、庆祝会、新书发布会,以及探索世界文化系列活动等,进一步提高社区对多元文化的认知、理解和欣赏,帮助建立更幸福的家庭、更健康的社区以及进一步促进多元文化的和谐。

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