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Video for Connect the Dots– the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021

"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." - Lao Tzu

“It doesn't matter if you do a small act of kindness or a big act of kindness – the important thing is that you do an act of kindness and it is never a waste of time.” - the Ancient Greek Author, Aesop (Aesop's Fables)

"I stand for honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated & helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values. That's what I stand for." - Ellen DeGeneres

“I think it actually matters whether somebody has a good heart, it really does. I've made the mistake of thinking that it's sometimes just about the brain.” ­- Elon Musk

“It’s harder to be kind than to be clever. It’s the difference between gifts and choices. Cleverness is a gift. Kindness is a choice.” - Jeff Bezos

“Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin


"Connect the dots", here it is a metaphor to illustrate an ability to associate one idea with another, to find the "big picture" or salient feature in a mass of data; or to use extrapolation to solve a mystery from clues, or come to a conclusion from various facts. We tried to keep these 100 selected stories from all around the world as original as possible. Listening to the people’s voice, gathering people’s wisdom, and sharing our very own small original stories…


For “Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021”, we received about 200 submissions, and majority were touching small stories in Word format instead of short video. We selected 100 small stories and make it into this event video: part 1 is 48 minutes long while part 2 is 1 hour and 48 minutes long.

Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021 (part 1) - Culture Days - WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021 (part 1) - Culture Days - WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Here is the video link for Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021 (part 1):;

Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021 (part 2) - Culture Days - WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021 (part 2) - Culture Days - WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Here is the video link for Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021 (part 2):

We tried our best to “squeeze” every single short video while trying to keep the original story complete. Sorry if we cut your story too short, and sorry if your story were not selected this time, we will always have the next opportunity.

The 100 small stories, featuring Prime Minister Trudeau’s passion about serving Canadians; Deputy Prime Minister Freeland’s neighbours left food in her porch, worrying her and her husband were too busy to feed their children; Premier Horgan’s heartfelt messages; Mayor Mike and Councillor Keithley’s inspiring singing; MLA Dix, Dr. Henry and many others’ actual support during the pandemic; Ellen and Portia’s wildlife dream; Kevin’s unforgettable first day work story; Ed’s healing music; Megan’s numerous community donations; Jeff’s continuing supports to those who in need; Chris’ frog story; Celia’s touching singing Mom’s kiss; Wenxiu’s kitten story; Ying’s ongoing free lunches to homeless…I wish I could name the 100 selected stories here, I even wish I could name the 200ish submitted stories here! Well, hope you enjoy watching the event videos.

Please note that, we especially turned off the monetizing for the above two parts of these event videos, we changed "Creative Commons - Attribution" into "Standard YouTube License" to refuse to make any money for these two videos; however, YouTube still have right to post ads for free on any potential YouTube videos that they think are good with ads.


Sincere thanks to each and every one of you, your contribution is greatly appreciated.

And a special thanks to the editing committee: Bongja, Brajesh, Dongdong, Hana, Kaye, Neall, Sophia, Will and Yunyi.


Thanks again for your sharing and contribution to "Connect the Dots– the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021"!

Here is more information about this event:连点成线-2021-年第七届加拿大多元文化创意节-圆满结束.

To attend the award presentation, WS general meeting, and the 16th WS Giving Heart Community Feast, reserve your seat at: Limited to 50 seats for COVID-19 safety reason. See you then!


We Are All in This Together 2020 - Culture Days - WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
We Are All in This Together 2020 - Culture Days - WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Share a Good Deed with the World – the 5th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2019 - - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Share a Good Deed with the World – the 5th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2019 - - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Share a Good Deed with the World – the 5th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2019 - - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Share a Good Deed with the World – the 5th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2019 - - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

A Year to Remember - the 4th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2018 - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
A Year to Remember - the 4th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2018 - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Canada and Me - Celebrate Canada 150 - the 3rd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2017 - -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Canada and Me - Celebrate Canada 150 - the 3rd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2017 - -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Canada and Me - Celebrate Canada 150 - the 3rd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2017 - -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Canada and Me - Celebrate Canada 150 - the 3rd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2017 - -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

Far and Wide – The 2nd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2016 -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
Far and Wide – The 2nd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2016 -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

A Feast for the Mind and Heart – the 1st Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2015 – Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
A Feast for the Mind and Heart – the 1st Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2015 – Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

A Feast for the Mind and Heart – the 1st Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2015 – Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society
A Feast for the Mind and Heart – the 1st Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2015 – Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society


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WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) is a non-profit organization and a volunteer-based group. Over the past 10 years it has been providing immigrant and refugee settlement services including language and computer training, and intercultural services including planning, organizing and hosting hundreds and thousands cross-cultural events, workshops, seminars, conferences, book launches, Discover World Culture series and more to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, to build happier families, healthier communities and to foster intercultural harmony.

WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) est une organisation à but non lucratif et un groupe de bénévoles. Au cours des 10 dernières années, il a fourni des services d'établissement des immigrants et des réfugiés, y compris une formation linguistique et informatique, et des services interculturels, notamment la planification, l'organisation et l'accueil de centaines et de milliers d'événements interculturels, d'ateliers, de séminaires, de conférences, de lancements de livres, de la série Discover World Culture. et plus encore pour sensibiliser, comprendre et apprécier le multiculturalisme, pour bâtir des familles plus heureuses, des communautés plus saines et pour favoriser l'harmonie interculturelle. 文思移民与多元文化服务协会(WSIMS)作为非营利组织和志愿者组织,始终以 “怀大爱、做小事” 为宗旨,秉承 “点燃激情、放飞梦想、感悟人生、分享美丽” 的理念,积极推动民族文化的传承、多元文化的融合及创新,激励人们实现各自的人生梦想。十多年来,一直提供力所能及的移民安顿服务(包括但不限于英语培训、IT培训、翻译服务)、长者服务、书籍出版,以及多元文化服务,包括策划、组织和举办千百次的跨文化讲座、研讨会、庆祝会、新书发布会,以及探索世界文化系列活动等,进一步提高社区对多元文化的认知、理解和欣赏,帮助建立更幸福的家庭、更健康的社区以及进一步促进多元文化的和谐。 Contact Us: English: French: Chinese:

More information:

TikTok: @wssharing


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