Lantern Festival Celebration
We have rich diversity, we share traditions and we honour individual cultural heritages, especially in the Year of the Dragon, we come together and celebrate the essence of an intercultural Canadian society.
Here we sincerely invite you to our Lantern Festival Celebration 2024.
Seats are very limited. Visit our website and register for more details:
On the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar's first month (Yuan), people in China and other Asian nations, including Vietnam and Korea, celebrate the Lantern Festival, a holiday honoring their departed ancestors.
The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival that changes every year with the Lunar calendar. It usually falls in February and this year, it takes place on February 24, 2024. This day marks the first full Moon of the new lunar year and it signifies the last day of the traditional Lunar New Year celebrations. Even as early as the Western Han Dynasty, it was already celebrated as a festivity with great importance.
The main objective of celebrating the Lantern Festival is to encourage forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation.
During the Lantern Festival, also known as Floating Lanterns Festival or Shangyuan Festival, houses are decorated with vibrant lanterns, with riddles written on them. The first person to solve the riddle wins a gift. Known as ‘yuanxiao’ or ‘tangyuan’, the little balls of sticky rice stuffed with fruits and nuts are consumed throughout the celebration. The balls' rounded shapes stand for the family's oneness and wholeness.
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I hereby give my consent to WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and its employees to photograph (still and/or moving) while I am working, volunteering or participating in any of their events (in-person or virtual). I understand my name and photograph (still and/or moving) can be used for educational and public relations purposes, at the discretion of WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and and its employees and/or sponsors. This consent includes, but is not limited to: - Permission to interview, film, photograph, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice; - Permission to use my name; - Permission to use quotes from the above listed media; and - I also understand that physical movement or interactive activities may take place during virtual events. I understand to participate based on my own physical ability. I fully release WSIMS and its employees from all liability in connection with my participation.
WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) is an incorporated non-profit organization and a volunteer-based group. Over the decades it has been providing immigrant and refugee settlement services as well as intercultural services including free language and computer training, free support for seniors, women, children, youth, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, vulnerable people and other groups experiencing marginality. We also have been planning, organizing and hosting hundreds and thousands cross-cultural events, workshops, seminars, conferences, book launches, Discover World Culture series and more to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, to build happier families, healthier communities and to foster intercultural harmony.
WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) est une organisation à but non lucratif constituée en société et un groupe de bénévoles. Au fil des décennies, il a fourni des services d'établissement aux immigrants et aux réfugiés ainsi que des services interculturels, notamment une formation linguistique et informatique gratuite, un soutien gratuit aux personnes âgées, aux femmes, aux enfants, aux jeunes, aux Autochtones, aux personnes handicapées, aux personnes vulnérables et aux autres groupes en situation de marginalité. Nous avons également planifié, organisé et accueilli des centaines et des milliers d'événements interculturels, d'ateliers, de séminaires, de conférences, de lancements de livres, de séries Discover World Culture et plus encore pour créer une prise de conscience, une compréhension et une appréciation du multiculturalisme, pour construire des familles plus heureuses, des communautés plus saines et favoriser l'harmonie interculturelle.
文思移民与多元文化服务协会(WSIMS)作为正式注册的非营利组织和志愿者组织,始终以 “怀大爱、做小事” 为宗旨,秉承 “点燃激情、放飞梦想、感悟人生、分享美丽” 的理念,积极推动民族文化的传承、多元文化的融合及创新,激励人们实现各自的人生梦想。十多年来,一直提供力所能及的移民和难民安顿服务以及跨文化服务,包括免费语言和计算机培训、翻译服务、并为长者、妇女、儿童、青少年、土著人民、残疾人、弱势群体和其他处于边缘地位的群体提供公益服务;策划、组织和举办成百上千的跨文化活动、研讨会、鉴赏会、庆祝会、新书发布会、探索世界文化系列讲座等,以进一步提高对多元文化的认识、理解和欣赏,帮助建立更幸福的家庭、更健康的社区和进一步促进多元文化和谐发展。
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