WS Main Projects
Immigration Workshops

In order to better serve clients, WSISC established various topics based Immigration Workshops.
The goals of the workshops are:
To provide updated immigration information for workshop members;
To develop solution and to get feedback on immigration-related issues from the workshop members;
To provide forums for inviting guest speakers to talk about immigration matters to the interested community members; and
To facilitate immigrants integration.
项目 // 03
Host Poetry Recital Project Sample
Nancy's Poetry Recital 凌秀老师诗歌朗诵片段
Nancy's Poetry Recital at Richmond Public Library on July 14, 2014.
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Computer Workshops
Project Sample
This is a 2 minitues small sample attached to our computer workshops.
You pick what you want to learn at our computer workshops.
Seniors Social Media Connection Workshops

As you may know, our seniors come from families that range from wealthy to indigent. The Seniors Social Media Workshop will especially help those who don't have access to home computers, high-speed Internet and/or digital video cameras to create their own social media platform and help them to stay connect with each other.
The goal for these workshops are organizations and individuals understand better the impacts of Seniors Social Media Connections; organizations and individuals are more engaged in Social Media Connections; organizations and individuals are integrating Seniors Social Media Connections Workshop into their daily lives.
The opportunity to link, through Seniors Social Media Connections Workshop, is sure to generate excitement among our seniors. Social media can be a strong motivator for seniors' active living, and broadcasting is sure to help some of our seniors overcome shyness and improve their self-esteem. Therefore, our seniors can be healthier and happier, and our communities can be stronger and stronger!
项目 // 04
Short Movie Making Project Sample
Face to Face With A Mountain Lion
During Chris' 2014 summer mountain biking adventure, a mountain lion stalked him, and in this video, you can see how he handled the hungry mountain lion in the wilderness near Fernie, BC.
项目 // 06
WS Travel
Project Sample
This is a day trip example to our travel projects. In the morning watching Tulips and shopping in the afternoon.