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The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th Giving Heart Community Feast completed

(Photo Credit:MingPao, BCBay, Jeffery Wang, Shirley Wang, David Tong, Melissa Ma, LiangDeng, ShuGuang, FengMei, Lei, LaoLa and more)In celebration of Culture Days for Community Contribution and Cultural Diversity, WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society hosted the "Celebrating Community and Culture - The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & The 17th Giving Heart Community Feast" in Richmond, BC on Oct 8, 2022.

The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

The event was held in an open-house style. Everyone could come and go freely at any time, in order to accommodate the maximum number of participants during the entire event, at the same time to ensure that it would not be too crowded, and to ensure everyone felt as comfortable as at their own home.

Welcome speech by Sophia Zhang
Welcome speech by Sophia Zhang

MP Parm Bains, MP Wilson Miao; BC Premier John Horgan; MLA Henry Yao, MLA Katrina Chen, Mayor Malcolm Brodie and more sent their warm-hearted congratulation letters.

MP Parm Bains sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
MP Parm Bains sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

MP Wilson Miao sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
MP Wilson Miao sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

Premier John Horgan sent sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
Premier John Horgan sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

MLA Henry Yao sent sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
MLA Henry Yao sent sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

MLA Katrina Chen sent sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
MLA Katrina Chen sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

Mayor Malcolm Brodie sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast
Mayor Malcolm Brodie sent recognition letter for the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022 & the 17th Giving Heart Community Feast

Sample Award Certificate for this event
Sample Award Certificate for this event

MP Parm Bains (middle), and Carl Hibbert (right) and Sophia Zhang (right)
MP Parm Bains (middle), and Carl Hibbert (right)

MP Parm Bains signed the “Community Service Award” certificates for this event.

Jeff Guo, representing MP Bains was presenting award certificates on behalf of MP Parm Bains
Jeff Guo, representing MP Bains was presenting award certificates on behalf of MP Parm Bains

MLA Henry Yao attended the event and shared warm greetings on behalf of the Legislative Assembly of BC.

MLA Henry Yao was sending the warm greetings
MLA Henry Yao was sending the warm greetings

MLA Henry Yao was presenting recognition letter to WSIMS
MLA Henry Yao was presenting recognition letter to WSIMS

MLA Henry Yao was presenting award certificates.
MLA Henry Yao was presenting award certificates.

MLA Henry Yao was doing lucky draws and presenting small lucky gifts
MLA Henry Yao was doing lucky draws and presenting small lucky gifts

Mayor Malcolm Brodie attended the event and shared warm greetings.

Mayor Malcolm Brodie was presenting recognition letter to WSIMS
Mayor Malcolm Brodie was presenting recognition letter to WSIMS

Mayor Malcolm Brodie was presenting award certificates.
Mayor Malcolm Brodie was presenting award certificates.

Some lucky draw winners were participants from the Stay Connected Social Media Workshops, supported by Vancouver Foundation and Richmond Cares Richmond Gives.

Mayor Brodie was doing lucky draws and presenting small lucky gifts to the lucky participants.

Councillors Andy Hobbs and Michael Wolfe were with some lucky winners
Councillors Andy Hobbs and Michael Wolfe were with some lucky winners

There were 60 lucky small gifts for 60 lucky winners.

There were 35 “Community Contribution Awards” in 8 categories were selected:

Culture Bridge: Ed Vinicio, DongDong Huang, etc.;

Creative Spirit: Cynthia Sharp, JiLiang Yao, etc.;

Community Service: Harris Niu, Yan Zheng, Brian Zhang, Tammy Jue, etc.;

Compassionate Champion: Jeff Jiang, Chris Abraham, Anu Sood, etc.;

Inclusive Engagement: GuiRong Xie, XiQin Shi, etc.;

Youth Empowerment: Nono Shen, etc.;

Exceptional Media: YiTao Ye, etc.;

Star Volunteer: Ming Huang, XiaoZhen Liu, etc.

QiangQing Deng Lion Performing Team opened the event through their happy lion dance, brought good luck, health and wealth and blessings to all.

WSIMS Legal Advisor, Lawyer, Poet Dr. DongDong Huang moderated this event.

WS Writers Bhargava, Sharp, Ja, Kotli, Gachallan and more attended the event, and shared some of their original poems.

DongFang Performing Arts League, Park Choir, YangFan Art Troupe, WS Choir, WS Dance Troupe, WS Recitation and more shared some of their original songs and/or dance.

A few hundred people participated in this event including but not limited to:

cross-cultural learning and understanding groups and individuals, families, elders and youth, woman and children, poets and writers, artists and entrepreneurs, military and veterans, immigrants and refugees, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, vulnerable people, and other groups experiencing marginality, and/or anyone who is passionate about creative writing.


The participants spontaneously signed a Certificate of Appreciation for BC Premier John Horgan - who will resign on October 28 due to health reasons – to wish him a speedy recovery. This special Certificate of Appreciation actually is two pieces of beautifully crafted oil paintings, created by Sophia Zhang, WSIMS Founding Chair; Joanne Wing, WSIMS Board Director and Painter, together with the artists and participants of this "Canada Multicultural Creative Festival".


There were plenty of food for the public to enjoy. Participants were also asked to take food packages home to share with families and friends.

Community gathering, delicious food, creative performances, lucky draws... With joy we had a wonderful afternoon at the long Thanksgiving Weekend.

As usual, WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society had the annual general meeting with some board directors in Vancouver area and some members on site right before the Culture Days event and Community Feast.

Special thanks to this group - arrived the earliest and left the last to help
Special thanks to this group - arrived the earliest and left the last to help

Our sincere thanks to every VIP guest, to every performer, to every participant, to every sponsor, to every media friend, and to every volunteer. It’s your contribution that made this annual event successfully completed.

Poster: The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast
Poster: The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast

Poster(in French): The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast
Poster(in French): The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast

Poster(in Chinese): The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast
Poster(in Chinese): The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast

Websites for more info:

Post on Culture Days website: The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast
Post on Culture Days website: The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast

Featured Activities on Culture Days website: The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast
Featured Activities on Culture Days website: The 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022&The 17th GivingHeart Community Feast


By attending WSIMS events, you agree: Visual Record Release & Liability Waiver

I hereby give my consent to WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and its employees to photograph (still and/or moving) while I am working, volunteering or participating in any of their events (in-person or virtual). I understand my name and photograph (still and/or moving) can be used for educational and public relations purposes, at the discretion of WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society and and its employees and/or sponsors. This consent includes, but is not limited to: - Permission to interview, film, photograph, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice; - Permission to use my name; - Permission to use quotes from the above listed media; and - I also understand that physical movement or interactive activities may take place during virtual events. I understand to participate based on my own physical ability. I fully release WSIMS and its employees from all liability in connection with my participation.


Photos for Previous Events

1. Celebrating Community and Culture - the 8th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2022, total 6 photos;

2. Connect the Dots – the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2021;

3. We Are All in This Together - The 6th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2020;

4. Share a Good Deed with the World – the 5th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2019 - - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

5. A Year to Remember - the 4th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2018 - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

6. Canada and Me - Celebrate Canada 150 - the 3rd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2017 - Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

7. Far and Wide – The 2nd Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2016 -Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society

8. A Feast for the Mind and Heart – the 1st Canada Multicultural Creative Festival 2015 – Culture Days – WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society



WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) is an incorporated non-profit organization and a volunteer-based group. Over the decades it has been providing immigrant and refugee settlement services as well as intercultural services including free language and computer training, free support for seniors, women, children, youth, Indigenous people, people with disabilities, vulnerable people and other groups experiencing marginality. We also have been planning, organizing and hosting hundreds and thousands cross-cultural events, workshops, seminars, conferences, book launches, Discover World Culture series and more to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, to build happier families, healthier communities and to foster intercultural harmony. WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) est une organisation à but non lucratif constituée en société et un groupe de bénévoles. Au fil des décennies, il a fourni des services d'établissement aux immigrants et aux réfugiés ainsi que des services interculturels, notamment une formation linguistique et informatique gratuite, un soutien gratuit aux personnes âgées, aux femmes, aux enfants, aux jeunes, aux Autochtones, aux personnes handicapées, aux personnes vulnérables et aux autres groupes en situation de marginalité. Nous avons également planifié, organisé et accueilli des centaines et des milliers d'événements interculturels, d'ateliers, de séminaires, de conférences, de lancements de livres, de séries Discover World Culture et plus encore pour créer une prise de conscience, une compréhension et une appréciation du multiculturalisme, pour construire des familles plus heureuses, des communautés plus saines et favoriser l'harmonie interculturelle. 文思移民与多元文化服务协会(WSIMS)作为正式注册的非营利组织和志愿者组织,始终以 “怀大爱、做小事” 为宗旨,秉承 “点燃激情、放飞梦想、感悟人生、分享美丽” 的理念,积极推动民族文化的传承、多元文化的融合及创新,激励人们实现各自的人生梦想。十多年来,一直提供力所能及的移民和难民安顿服务以及跨文化服务,包括免费语言和计算机培训、翻译服务、并为长者、妇女、儿童、青少年、土著人民、残疾人、弱势群体和其他处于边缘地位的群体提供公益服务;策划、组织和举办成百上千的跨文化活动、研讨会、鉴赏会、庆祝会、新书发布会、探索世界文化系列讲座等,以进一步提高对多元文化的认识、理解和欣赏,帮助建立更幸福的家庭、更健康的社区和进一步促进多元文化和谐发展。 Contact Us: English: French: Chinese: More information: TikTok: @wssharing


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