Lunar New Year Celebration Video; Do You Need Help to Call and a Ride to Get Vaccinated?

Video for Traditions of Lunar New Year Event
The WS Public Workshop about Traditions of Lunar New Year was hold on Monday the Feb 18th, 2021. Our sincere thanks to Anna Yin for her wonderful host and translation, and our sincere thanks to all who took their time to participate and all their beautiful sharing.
Video link for Traditions of Lunar New Year:
Semma and 9 more "lucky guess" participants won the prize - each of them won a box of classic Purdy's Chocolate.

If you haven't asked us to deliver you a box of your "lucky guess" chocolate, or if you haven't picked a box of chocolate from Megan's yet, please contact us to arrange your preferred deliver way at your earliest convenience.
Do You Need Help to Call and
A Ride to Get Vaccinated
Great news! B.C. is moving into Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Immunization Plan. During this phase approximately 400,000 people will be immunized from March to mid-April, including seniors, Indigenous peoples and people who live and work in independent living.

If speak other languages rather than English, please free to contact me, WS volunteers are more than happy to help you to call and make a vaccine appointment for you if needed; if you are seniors over 55, we are more than happy to drive you back and force to get the vaccine shots. All are cost free.
When you can call is based on your age
I’m born in 1937 (age 84)
You can call anytime.
I’m born in 1938 (age 83)
You can call anytime.
I’m born in 1939 (age 82)
You can start calling March 17 at 12 pm.
I’m born in 1940 (age 81)
You can start calling March 18 at 12 pm.
I’m born in 1941 (age 80)
You can start calling March 19 at 12 pm.
I'm born in 1936 or earlier (85+) or I'm Indigenous and born in 1956 or earlier (65+)
You can call anytime.

Call centre hours
Seven days a week 7 am to 7 pm (PST/PDT)
*Phone lines may be busy. We recommend calling in the late afternoon or evening.
Fraser Health
Call: 1-855-755-2455
Interior Health
Call: 1-877-740-7747
Island Health
Call: 1-833-348-4787
Northern Health
Call: 1-844-255-7555
Vancouver Coastal Health
Call: 1-877-587-5767

Starting in April
Starting in April, front-line priority workers can receive their first dose of the AstraZeneca/SII COVISHIELD (AZ/SII) vaccine. Front-line priority workers identified by the COVID-19 Workplace Task Group and public health include:
First responders (police, firefighters, emergency transport)
K to 12 educational staff
Child care staff
Grocery store workers
Postal workers
Bylaw and quarantine officers
Manufacturing workers
Wholesale/warehousing employees
Staff living in congregate housing at places like ski hills
Correctional facilities staff
Cross-border transport staff
Sectors or settings prioritized due to outbreak response (currently happening)
If you are a front-line priority worker, do not call your local health authority. All AstraZeneca/SII COVISHIELD (AZ/SII) vaccine appointments will be organized by employers. Appointment information will be communicated clearly and directly to each sector and employer.

Phase 3 and Phase 4: General population immunization
Vaccines in Phase 3 and Phase 4 will primarily be distributed in five year age increments. Monthly breakdowns for dose one (D1) are estimates and may change based on vaccine availability. Second doses will be administered approximately 16 weeks after dose one.
Phase 3
Timeline: April to May 2021
People aged 79 to 60, in five year increments:
79 to 75 (D1 April)
74 to 70 (D1 April)
69 to 65 (D1 April)
64 to 60 (D1 April/May)
Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) peoples aged 64 to 18 (D1 April)
People aged 69 to 16 who are clinically extremely vulnerable (D1 March/April)
Phase 4
Timeline: May to June 2021
People aged 59 to 18, in five year increments:
59 to 55 (D1 May)
54 to 50 (D1 May)
49 to 45 (D1 May)
44 to 40 (D1 May/June)
39 to 35 (D1 May/June)
34 to 30 (D1 June)
29 to 25 (D1 June)
24 to 18 (D1 June)

BC government website
Check the BC government website for more information:
Contact us:
In English:
In Chinese: