Access the $82 billion Benefits; Joint Statement for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination & More
Warm Hearted Quote:
“…No Canadian should have to worry about whether they can pay their rent or buy groceries during this difficult time…”
--The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

(Originally posted on March 21, 2020)
How Can We Access the $82 billion Benefit PM Trudeau Announced 如何申领特鲁多总理启动的820亿全民福利
May people are asking, how can we access the $82 billion Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on March 18, 2020, in support for Canadians at this important moment? Well, here’s a quick summary and how can we access these benefits:
Boosting Canada Child Benefit payments for families牛奶金: since May 2020 directly deposit into your existing child benefit bank account if you have directly deposit set up可直接存入你已有的牛奶金银行账户;
New Emergency Care Benefit新紧急护理津贴 Up to $900 bi-weekly for up to 15 weeks if you can't access paid sick leave: application available since April 2020四月起开始申请;
New Emergency Support Benefit新紧急支援津贴 If you can't get EI & face unemployment: application available since April 2020四月起开始申请;
6-month, interest-free moratorium on Canada Student Loan payments学生贷款: talk with you student loan bank联系你的贷款银行;
Top-up payments for low & modest income Canadians, with the GST credit中低收入者返税: since May 2020 directly deposit into our existing GST credit bank account if we have directly deposit set up可直接存入你已有的返税银行账户;
Extended tax filing deadline to June 1截止报税日期延至6月1日 And taxpayers can defer until Aug. 31 income tax that becomes owing before Sept. 21: √
Waiving the mandatory 1-week wait-period for EI sickness benefits, for a minimum of 6 months取消申领失业疾病保险一个星期的等候期 For those in quarantine/self-isolation: apply link申请链接: After you apply EI benefits online, call toll-free number at 1 833 381 2725 to have the one-week waiting period waived. 在网上申请后,致电1 833 381 2725 取消申领失业疾病保险一个星期的等候期。
Waiving requirement for medical certificates to access EI sickness benefits取消申领失业疾病保险的医疗证明: apply link申请链接: After you apply EI benefits online, call toll-free number at 1 833 381 2725 to have the medical certificates waived. 在网上申请后,致电1 833 381 2725 取消申领失业疾病保险的医疗证明。
Helping seniors access retirement savings帮助长者领取退休储蓄金 By reducing minimum withdrawals from RRIFs by 25%: talk to your RRIFs bank向你的退休储蓄金银行寻求帮助
Flexibility to lenders to defer mortgage payments房贷还款灵活: talk to your mortgage bank向你的贷款银行寻求帮助
$157 million in added funding for Canadians experiencing homelessness追加1.57亿无家可归者拨款: Reaching Home funding available in the Greater Vancouver area
$305 million for a new Indigenous Community Support Fund拨3.05亿给新的第一民族社区支援基金会:talk to any Indigenous Services
Supporting women and children fleeing violence逃离暴力的妇幼支援 $50 million for women’s shelters and sexual assault centres: talk to a nearby Women Centres and/or Ministry of Child and Family Development
More credit available to small, medium, & large businesses增加大中小企业贷款New Business Credit Availability Program ($10 billion for cash flow challenges): √
Increasing credit available to farmers and the agri-food sector增加农业及农业食品部门贷款: √
Supporting continued lending to Canadian businesses and consumers支持持续向加拿大企业和消费者贷款: talk to your bank向你的银行寻求帮助

Joint statement on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Premier John Horgan and Anne Kang, Minister of Citizens’ Services and responsible for Multiculturalism, have issued the following statement marking the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination:

“Today is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, a day to stand together against those who seek to divide us and renew our commitment to fight racism, prejudice and discrimination.
“At a time when people around the world are using hate and division as tools, we must stay united. Through challenging times, we are always stronger and more resilient as a province when we treat each other with kindness, generosity and respect.
“As individuals, we must use our voices to speak out against racism and discrimination. Those who have privilege must acknowledge it and learn to see the world from different perspectives. This is how we will truly understand ourselves and others.
“As a government, we are working every day to build a better B.C., where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We re-established the Human Rights Commission to protect and defend human rights throughout the province. In 2019, Ravi Kahlon, as parliamentary secretary for sport and multiculturalism, held 21 community dialogues on racism and hate. As a result of these conversations, we launched Resilience BC, a new anti-racism network that will support partners in 40 communities throughout the province in their work to eliminate racism, discrimination and hate.
“Today, and every day, we celebrate the multicultural province we are so lucky to live in. Our lives and communities are enriched by the diverse cultures that make up British Columbia.
“Our government will continue to stand up for equality and justice, so our children will grow up in a province and a world where everyone feels valued and respected.”
For a French translation, visit:;
For a Chinese translation, visit:'tDisrcrimination_CN.pdf;
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卑诗省长贺谨 (John Horgan) 与专责多元文化的公民服务厅长康安礼 (Anne Kang) 于2020年3月21日发表了以下声明,庆祝国际消除种族歧视日 (International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination):
在个人层面上,我们必须用自己的声音来反对种族主义和歧视。 那些享有特权的人必须承认并学会从不同角度看待世界。这样我们才能真正了解自己和他人。
作为政府,我们每天都在努力建设一个更美好的卑诗省,让每个人都获得尊严与尊重。 我们重新设立了人权委员会 (Human Rights Commission),以保护及捍卫全省的人权。在2019 年,省务秘书柯议伦 (Ravi Kahlon) 就种族主义与仇恨问题进行了21次社区对话。通过这些对话,我们启动了一 个新的反种族主义网络 Resilience BC,该网络支持全省 40 个社区的合作伙伴在消除种族主义、歧视和仇恨问题方面的工作。
省長賀謹(John Horgan)與廳長康安禮(Anne Kang)於國際消除種族歧視日發表聲明
卑詩省長賀謹與專責多元文化的公民服務廳長康安禮發表了以下聲明,慶祝國際消除 種族歧視日(International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination):
「今天是國際消除種族歧視日,在這天我們站在同一陣線,一起對抗分裂我們的人,並重申我們 對抗種族主義、偏見和歧視的承諾。
「在世界各地都有人以仇恨和分裂作為工具的時代,我們譴責白人至上主義及其他種族主義意識 形態的崛起。我們重視多元化、包容性和相互尊重–-因為我們知道,當我們團結起來並互相支 持,我們整個省份以至全國都將變得更加強大。
「在個人層面上,我們必須用自己的聲音來反對種族主義和歧視。那些享有特權的人必須承認並 學會從不同角度看待世界。這樣我們才能真正了解自己和他人。
「作為政府,我們每天都在努力建設一個更好的卑詩省,讓每個人都獲得尊嚴與尊重。我們重新 設立了人權委員會(Human Rights Commission),以保護及捍衛全省的人權。在 2019 年,省務秘書 柯議倫(Ravi Kahlon)就種族主義與仇恨問題進行了 21 次社區對話。透過這些對話,我們啟動了一 個新的反種族主義網絡 Resilience BC,該網絡支持全省 40 個社區的合作夥伴在消除種族主義、歧 視和仇恨問題的工作。
「今天及以後的每一天,我們都為能生活在這個多元文化的省份而感到幸運與欣慰,因為組成卑 詩省的多元文化,豐富了我們的生活和社區。
「我們的政府將繼續捍衛平等與公義,好讓我們的孩子能在一個所有人都獲得珍視和尊重的省份 和世界中成長。」
Joint statement on Province of British Columbia's COVID-19 response on March 21, 2020
Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer, have issued the following joint statement regarding updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response in British Columbia:

“We are announcing 76 new cases of COVID-19, for a total of 424 cases in British Columbia.
“It is with sadness that we share the news that another Lynn Valley resident who previously tested positive for COVID-19 has passed away. We offer our deepest condolences to their loved ones and the staff who cared for them.
“Every health region in British Columbia has people with COVID-19: 230 are in Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, 126 are in Fraser Health Authority, 37 are in Vancouver Island Health Authority, 27 are in Interior Health Authority and four are in Northern Heath Authority.
“Additionally, of the total COVID-19 cases: 27 individuals are currently hospitalized, of which 12 are in intensive care, six individuals have recovered, and the remaining patients are at home in isolation.
“Until further notice, personal service establishments – like barbershops, salons, nail estheticians, health spas, massage parlours, tattoo shops and others – are ordered to close.
“As part of our COVID-19 response strategy, our B.C. team has been tracking the epidemiology of the virus. Epidemiology looks at the who, what, where and when of disease outbreaks – to better understand their sources and effectively combat them. That is how we were able to determine the initial cases in B.C. were travel-related.
“Because we now know a lot more about COVID-19, our testing strategy has evolved to focus on clusters and outbreaks, patients in hospital and health-care workers.
“Here in B.C., 55% of all positive cases are female. This is because we have seen younger, female health-care workers with the virus – mainly related to the Lynn Valley Care Centre and other long-term care outbreaks.
“As part of the virus tracking, we look at two curves: the total number positive test results and the date of symptom onset, as determined by the public health investigation of each case.
“We pay attention to the onset curve, because we know that the time from the onset of symptoms to when someone is tested can sometimes several days. This is because people’s initial symptoms may be too mild to consider speaking to their doctor or going for testing.
“As we get more information about the onset of symptoms from patients, the onset curve is updated to reflect this new information.
“To most effectively flatten the curve, and break the chain of transmission, we need everyone to take action at the onset stage. That is why we have put public gathering orders and social distancing measures in place now – to protect us in the weeks ahead.
“Now is the time to stay home as much as possible, and to keep a safe distance from others when outside. We are reminding British Columbians that their actions today will determine the impact of the virus in coming weeks.”
卫生厅长狄德安 (Adrian Dix) 及卑诗省首席卫生官邦尼·亨瑞(Bonnie Henry)博士就省内新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 的最新情况发出以下声明:
我们哀伤地告诉各位,又有一名居住于Lynn Valley长期护理院、对新型冠状病毒测试呈阳性的患者去世。我们向他们的家属以及照顾他们的护理人员致以深切慰问。
另外,至今确诊的新型冠状病毒病例当中, 27人仍然留医、12人在深切治疗部、6人已经康复,其余病人都在家中隔离。
在卑诗省,55%的确诊患者都是女性。我们见到比较年轻的女性护理员工感染病毒,而当中大部分都与Lynn Valley护理中心和其他长期护理院的爆发有关。
为了最有效地压平曲线(flatten the curve),以及打破病毒传播链,我们需要大家在病症出现的初期就要采取行动。因此我们发出禁令:停止公众聚会,以及现在实施的社交距离措施,才能够保护我们未来数星期的安全。
如欲了解与新型冠状病毒有关的非医疗资讯,请致电1 888 COVID-19,或浏览;
衛生廳 省首席衛生官辦公室 2020年3月21日聯合聲明 卑詩省應對新型冠狀病毒及最新發展之聯合聲明
衛生廳長狄德安 (Adrian Dix) 及卑詩省首席衛生官Bonnie Henry醫生就省內新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 的最新情況發出以下聲明: 「我們確定,卑詩省錄得76宗新增新型冠狀病毒確診個案,總數增至424宗。」 「我們哀傷地告訴各位,再有一名居於Lynn Valley長期護理設施,對新型冠狀病毒測試呈陽性的病人病逝。我們向他們的家屬以及照顧他們的護理人員致以深切慰問。」 「卑詩省內每個衛生區域現在都錄得新型冠狀病毒個案。230宗位於溫哥華沿岸衛生區、126宗位於菲沙衛生區、37宗位於溫哥華島衛生區、27宗位於內陸衛生區、四宗位於北部衛生區。」 「另外,至今錄得的新型冠狀病毒個案當中, 27人仍然留醫、12人在深切治療部、六人已經康復,其餘病人都在家中隔離。」 「即日起,所有個人服務商戶都必須停業,直至另行通知。新禁令適用於剪髮、美容、美甲、水療、按摩、紋身,及其他類似商戶。」 「我們的新型冠狀病毒應對策略的其中一部分,是由卑詩省專家追蹤病毒的傳染情況。專家追蹤病毒爆發期間涉及的人、事、地點,和時間,以了解病毒來源和制定有效的打擊措施。我們就是透過這方法,確定卑詩省內的起始個案都是與旅遊有關。」 「由於我們對新型冠狀病毒的了解增加,我們的測試策略也隨之改變,集中針對局部爆發的地點、醫院內的病人,以及醫護人員。」 「在卑詩省,55%的確診患者都是女性。這是因為我們見到較年輕的女性護理設施員工感染病毒,而當中大部分都與Lynn Valley護理中心和其他長期護理設施的爆發有關。」 「作為病毒追蹤的一部分,我們研究兩項反映趨勢的曲線:呈陽性的測試結果,以及根據每宗個案的公共衛生調查,確定每名患者出現病徵的日期。」 「我們集中留意患者出現病徵的趨勢,因為我們知道從患者出現病徵,到測試有結果,之間可能需時數天。這是因為患者的初期病徵可能太輕微,他們未有考慮見醫生或者接受測試。」 「當我們從病人了解更多病徵的資料,有關趨勢將會根據新資料而更新。」 「為了最有效地壓平曲線(flatten the curve),以及打破病毒傳播鏈,我們需要大家在病徵出現的初期就要採取行動。因此我們發出禁令,停止公眾聚會,以及現在實施的社交距離措施,都能夠保護我們未來數星期的安全。」 「省民應該在這時間盡量留在家中,在外面就要與他人保持安全距離。我們提醒每一位卑詩省民,他們今天的行動,將會決定未來數星期病毒對我們的影響。」 了解更多: 如欲了解疫情反映疫情趨勢的曲線及年齡分佈,請瀏覽: 如欲了解保護個人和社區的建議,以及使用網上自我評估工具,請瀏覽: 如欲了解與新型冠狀病毒有關的非醫療資訊,請致電1 888 COVID-19,或瀏覽 收看最新的新型冠狀病毒記者會,請瀏覽:

Joint statement on Province of British Columbia's COVID-19 response
on March 20, 2020
Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, and Dr. Bonnie Henry, B.C.'s provincial health officer, have issued the following joint statement on March 20, 2020 regarding updates on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response in British Columbia:

“We are announcing 77 new cases of COVID-19, for a total of 348 cases in British Columbia.
“Of the new cases, one patient is a health-care worker at the Dufferin Care Centre, a long-term care home in Coquitlam. Fraser Health authority public health and infection control teams are on site.
“Every health region in British Columbia has patients with COVID-19: 200 are in the Vancouver Coastal Health region, 95 are in the Fraser Health region, 30 are in the Vancouver Island Health region, 19 are in the Interior Health region and four are in the Northern Heath region.
“Additionally, of the total COVID-19 cases, six people have completely recovered, 22 are receiving acute care, 10 are in intensive care and the remaining patients are at home in isolation.
“As the number of cases increases and the pressure on our health-care system intensifies, we would like to acknowledge and thank our health-care workers as they support all those in B.C. who require testing and care for COVID-19.
“In step with World Health Organization recommendations, the Public Health Agency of Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Infection Prevention and Control provides clear guidance for all health-care workers to follow. They can be confident that by following these guidelines on appropriate use, we will have sufficient supply of personal protective equipment.
“We need everybody to be aware of the risk in every community and every health region across B.C. And, equally important, because of the incubation period and rapid transmission, the self-isolation and social distancing that we do today will benefit all of us two weeks and two months from now.
“Given the challenges social distancing presents for restaurants, effective immediately, all dine-in food services are prohibited. Restaurants must move to delivery or take-out options only, or close.
“We also want to be clear that while spending time outdoors is important, people still need to stay away from groups in any environment – to prevent bringing the virus into their homes.
“New resources are being made available every day to support everyone in our province as we continue to work to stop the transmission of COVID-19.”
卫生厅长狄德安 (Adrian Dix) 及卑诗省首席卫生官 Bonnie Henry 医生于2020年3月20日就省内新型冠状病毒 (COVID-19) 的最新情况发出以下声明:
这些新增个案当中,一名患者是Dufferin Care Centre的护理人员。这是一间位于高贵林的长期护理院。菲沙卫生局的公共卫生及防疫队伍已经到场处理。
按照世界卫生组织 (World Health Organization) 的建议,加拿大公共卫生局 (Public Health Agency of Canada) 属下的传染病预防及控制全国顾问委员会 (National Advisory Committee on Infection Prevention and Control) 提供了清晰的指引给所有医护人员参照执行。只要跟从指引,适当地使用个人保护装备,他们可以有信心,我们是有足够供应的。
衛生廳長狄德安 (Adrian Dix) 及卑詩省首席衛生官Bonnie Henry醫生于2020年3月20日就省內新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19) 的最新情況發出以下聲明:
「這些新增個案當中,一名病人是Dufferin Care Centre的護理人員。這是一間位於高貴林的長期護理院舍。菲沙衛生局的公共衛生及防疫隊伍已經到場處理。」
「按照世界衛生組織 (World Health Organization) 的建議,加拿大公共衛生局 (Public Health Agency of Canada) 屬下的傳染病預防及控制全國顧問委員會 (National Advisory Committee on Infection Prevention and Control) 提供了清晰的指引給所有醫護人員跟從。只要跟從指引,適當地使用個人保護裝備,他們可以有信心,我們是有足夠供應的。」

Donations 捐款
Some people are asking how to donate to BC medial staff, followed are some links 有人问怎么捐款给卑诗省医疗机构,以下附部分链接:
If you want to make a donation to Vancouver Coastal Health foundations:;
To Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation:;
To BC Emergency Health Services:;
To Providence Health Care:;

Recognizing Ignaz Semmelweis and Hand-washing from Google
来自Google的纪念Ignaz Semmelweis及洗手防疫广告:

Applying for EI in BC
during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The BCGEU made a very nice-looking version of this document that may be clearer to read, share with you if needed 卑诗省政府和公共服务雇员工会整理的失业疾病保险申请材料清单及流程,与你分享,如果你用得上的话: