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Preserving Chinese Canadian Culture Heritage in B.C. - Public Consultation on "Chinese Canadian

Chinese Canadian Museum

Public Consultation on "Chinese Canadian Museum"

(English, Cantonese & Mandarin)

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture invites you to share your ideas, stories and experiences about Chinese history and culture, both past and present, in BC to help in the design, creation and content that will be the foundation of this museum experience.

Two sessions: 10:30am - 12:00pm; 2:00-3:30pm To register, go to:

Richmond Public Library contact: (604) 231-6413

Brighouse Branch Address:

100-7700 Minoru Gate

Richmond BC V6Y 1R8


兩場討論會時間:上午十時半至中午十二時;下午二時至三時半。 登記參加討論會,請到網址


(604) 231-6413


100-7700 Minoru Gate

Richmond BC V6Y 1R


During library programs and events, library staff may take photos and videos to be used for promotional purposes by the library. If you would prefer not to have your picture taken, please speak to a library staff member.

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Province, city seek to honour Vancouver’s Chinatown as UNESCO World Heritage site

The Province of British Columbia and the City of Vancouver are joining together to have Vancouver’s Chinatown designated as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage site, because of its outstanding universal value.

“Vancouver's Chinatown is a powerful symbol of the resilience, determination and courage of generations of the Chinese community and people who have helped build this province," said Premier John Horgan. "The contributions of early Chinese immigrants, and their descendants, touch every corner of our province. We're working to honour this legacy and protect historical sites for generations of British Columbians to come."

Premier Horgan and Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson signed a memorandum of understanding reaffirming their governments’ commitments in seeking this designation, at the Chinese Cultural Centre in downtown Vancouver.

“In the wake of Vancouver’s apology to the Chinese community for historical wrongdoings, we are fully committed to partnering with the Province to pursue Chinatown’s designation as a UNESCO World Heritage site,” Robertson said. “This signals a new chapter for Chinatown with an important opportunity to invest in this extraordinary community and highlight the many positive contributions that generations of Chinese Canadians made to Vancouver.”

The UNESCO World Heritage site designation would recognize the global significance of Vancouver’s Chinatown as a site of ongoing cultural and historic value to the people of Vancouver, British Columbia and Canada. The site will serve as a permanent reminder of the racism, discrimination and hardships faced by Chinese Canadian pioneers, who helped build the province and nation.

Both the provincial government and Vancouver city council have made official apologies for the treatment of Chinese Canadians in 2014 and 2018, respectively. A monument commemorating the apology of past wrongs by previous B.C. governments was unveiled at a ceremony in Victoria’s Chinatown in 2017, recognizing the work the government needs to do in building meaningful reconciliation with the Chinese community.

The Province and the City of Vancouver have also committed to establishing a Chinese Canadian museum. Preliminary research has been completed, and the Province will continue to closely consult with all community stakeholders.

Quick Facts:

  • Vancouver’s Chinatown is the largest in Canada, and one of the largest in North America. It is also one of the oldest Chinatowns in Canada, dating back to the late 1800s.

  • There are 1,092 World Heritage sites around the globe, with 19 in Canada.

  • The Government of Canada nominates sites for consideration by the UN agency. In 2017, the Government of Canada nominated eight locations, including the Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound Glass Sponge Reefs in British Columbia.

  • In April 2018, the City of Vancouver gave a formal apology for historic wrongs to the city’s Chinese community:

  • In September 2017, the B.C. government commemorated the government’s 2014 apology to Chinese Canadians for historical wrongs with a monument in Victoria’s historic Chinatown, recognizing the contributions of Chinese Canadians:

  • The pursuit of UNESCO World Heritage designation was recommended in the Historical Discrimination Report to Vancouver city council in October 2017.

For a Chinese translation, click here:

Learn More:

For more information about World Heritage sites:

For more information about the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, visit:

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旅遊、藝術及文化廳長畢麗莎(Lisa Beare) 說:“我們承諾設立華裔加拿大人博物館,正是要反映華人社群對卑詩省的重要價值。我們期望聆聽社區的意見,了解應該如何紀念和保護華裔先僑的偉大貢獻,以及頌揚今日華裔加拿大人的生活傳統和文化貢獻。”

公眾可以在2019 年2 月8 日下午4:30 之前,參與第一輪諮詢,發表對華裔加拿大人博物館的遠景。卑詩省民可以透過英文、繁體中文、簡體中文、粵語或普通話回答問題,并提供意見。此外,面對面的社區會議將會在溫哥華(1 月12 日)、Kamloops (1 月19 日),和維多利亞(1 月26 日) 舉行。2 月8 日前還可能會加設額外的社區會議。公眾可以瀏覽華裔加拿大人博物館公眾諮詢網站,了解詳情。





電郵: 電話: 1 778 698-7746 (維多利亞) 或1 800 663-7867 (卑詩省其他地區)


  • 溫哥華華埠是全加拿大最大和北美其中一個最大的唐人街,其歷史可以追溯到1800 年代後期,亦是本國最早成立的唐人街之一;

  • 全球共有1,092 個世界文化遺產,其中19 個在加拿大;

  • 世界文化遺產是由加拿大政府向聯合國組織作出提名。聯邦政府在2017 年提名了8 個地點,包括卑詩省的Hecate Strait 及Queen Charlotte Sound Glass Sponge Reefs;

  • 溫哥華市政府在2018 年4 月就過往的錯誤行為向溫市華裔社區作出正式道歉:;

  • 省政府於2017 年9 月在域多利唐人街為一塊碑石舉行揭幕儀式,以紀念因過往政府錯誤行為而在2014 年作出的正式道歉;

  • 在2017 年10 月向溫哥華市議會提交有關歷史性歧視華裔的報告中作出了多項建議,其中包括申請將溫市華埠列為UNESCO 世界文化遺產。


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Trish Rorison



250 580-6723

WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (, a non-profit organization, focuses on building happy families and strong communities, fostering intercultural harmony through quality cross-cultural and immigration services delivery.

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